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Create a summarise function from a named list of functions





summarise function


a function with arguments condition, results, fixed objects


the names of the list of functions correspond to the names in the list of analyse functions, each summarise function is applied to the results of the analyse function of the same name, names not present in both lists are ommitted in either list.

The functions in the list should have the arguments condition, results and fixed_objects. results is a list of lists. The outer list has one element for each replication, the inner list has one entry for each Analyse function. (Analyse functions have to return lists for this to work, otherwise the results are simplified to data.frames. Analyse functions from the SimNPH package all return lists.)

The individual summarise functions have to return data.frames, which are concatendated column-wise to give one row per condition. The names of the analyse methods are prepended to the respective coumn names, if the functions have a "name" attribute this is appended to the column names of the output. Column names not unique after that are appended numbers by make.unique.


Summarise <- create_summarise_function(
  maxcombo = function(condition, results, fixed_objects=NULL){
    data.frame("rejection"=mean(results$p < alpha))
  logrank  = function(condition, results, fixed_objects=NULL){
    data.frame("rejection"=mean(results$p < alpha))